Upwork TikTok Lab

The Client: As the world’s greatest freelance platform, Upwork wants to show the benefits of working remote, working with flexible hours, and working freelance.

The Ask: Upwork came to us to bring this message on TikTok by reacting to trends in realtime.

Our Solution: We built a custom, content creation engine, where my team—and often myself—ideate, shoot, and perform in TikToks. Sometimes we get work out in a matter of hours. Below are a handful of our recent favorites. And yes, I’m the blond guy in some of them.

Spot it:
The “making a TikTok from my desk” is a trend you see on the platform over and over again. We wanted to subvert this trend.

Our Response:

Spot It:
Video call tips and tricks are all over TikTok. Here was our spin on a video call tip.

Our Response:

@upwork Working remote with friends >>> working in an office #Upwork #FreelanceLife #WFH #RemoteWork #WorkTok ♬ original sound - Upwork

Spot It:
Summer Fridays = balancing getting work done and starting the weekend early.

Our Response:

Spot it:
Mark Zuckerberg released the “Twitter-killer” Threads during the July 4th week when many people were taking time off.

Our Response:

Spot It:
We are always listening for trending sounds to hop on. The “I can’t believe we’re at Hogwarts” sounds was a perfect in to promote a misconception about Upwork.

Our Response:

Spot It:
The “If I were a fish” TikTok song went super viral. We used it as a way to highlight the tapped-in energy of our creative community.

Our Response:

@upwork hehe always on trend. take a mental health break, #duet this and sing along! #IfIWereAFish #WorkTok #Upwork #FreelanceLife ♬ original sound - corook

Spot It:
As companies continue to ask people to return to dead offices, workers wonder “why?”

Our Response:

@upwork Bumper to bumper traffic for this??? #upwork #remotework #uh #awakard ♬ original sound - Josh Boyd